DLR (Delivery Report)

What is DLR?

DLR (Delivery Report) is status of a sent SMS message that provides information about the delivery status of an SMS message. It plays a key role in monitoring and analyzing the effectiveness of SMS campaigns, providing the sender with notifications of delivery or potential delivery issues in real time. These notifications come from the SMS aggregator or mobile network operator and allow the sender to track whether the message was successfully delivered or encountered issues.

How DLR works

The process of DLR begins with sending an SMS message, which is directed to the Short Message Service Center (SMSC). The SMSC processes the message, attempting to deliver it to the recipient. After the delivery attempt, the SMSC generates a DLR, indicating either the successful message delivery or issues encountered during delivery.

When the recipient receives the message, their device sends feedback to the SMSC, confirming receipt. This allows the SMSC to generate a DLR with the corresponding delivery status.

Types of DLR

There are several types of DLR statuses that can indicate different delivery results. "Delivered" means the successful delivery of the message, "Not delivered" indicates problems with delivery, such as unavailability of the recipient or rejection of the message by the operator. You can find out about other DLR statuses in this article.

Increasing DLR rate

To increase the DLR rate, it's important to update the customer database by removing invalid numbers. Updating contact information is also essential. Optimizing message content and following carrier rules and recommendations can help improve message delivery. Regular monitoring and analysis of delivery reports can identify issues and help optimize SMS campaigns for better results.

Last updated